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AI in Market Research
Acquisition Growth
B2B Marketing
Brand Building
Business Growth
Business Strategy
Competitive Analysis
Customer Experience
Customer Loyalty
Customer Satisfaction
Industry Analysis
Innovation Strategy
Market Research
Market Segmentation
Market Sizing
Market Trends
Operational Efficiency
Predictive Analytics
Product Development
Risk Management
Strategic Business Insights
Strategic Planning
Survey Methodology
Value Proposition
The Benefits of Customer Due Diligence

Explore the key benefits of customer due diligence in enhancing risk management, customer retention, and strategic business alignment.

Business Growth

Customer Experience

Risk Management

Strategic Planning

AI's Game-Changing Potential for B2B Market Research

Unveiling AI's potential to revolutionize B2B market research, ensuring speed, precision, and actionable insights for strategic growth.

AI in Market Research

Predictive Analytics

Strategic Business Insights

Survey Methodology

Optimizing the Impact of Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Discover how customer satisfaction surveys can be a gateway to business excellence, guiding strategic decisions, and enhancing customer loyalty.

Business Growth

Customer Satisfaction

Strategic Planning

Survey Methodology

Elements of a Winning Business Strategic Planning Process

Strategic business planning is a fundamental activity that lays the groundwork for an organization’s success. It is a process that goes beyond setting goals.

Business Growth

Business Strategy

B2B Custom Market Research – Driving Winning Strategies

In today's world of endless information, syndicated B2B market research reports are available on nearly every market segment and region.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Market Research

Operational Efficiency

Market-Driven Innovation: A Key to Success

According to Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen, the vast majority of product innovations—95 percent—never succeed.

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Market Research

Market Trends

How to Leverage B2B Market Research to Drive Your Strategic Planning

Business-to-business (B2B) market research is an essential precursor for developing an effective strategic plan.

B2B Marketing

Competitive Analysis

Industry Analysis

Market Research

Strategic Planning

The Role of B2B Market Research in Business Growth

In many cases, company management doesn’t take the time to do the necessary market research to make

Business Growth

Competitive Analysis

Market Research

How to Conduct a Net Promoter Score Analysis for Your Business

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) has emerged as one of the most reliable methods to evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Business Strategy

Customer Loyalty

Market Research

Building a Better Business: How Market-Driven Innovation Creates Success

Innovation is the lifeblood of any business. A company can thrive and stay ahead of its competitors by being agile, adaptive, and continuously listening to the market's needs.

Business Growth

Competitive Analysis

Innovation Strategy

Market Research

Maximizing Customer Retention: Utilizing Feedback from Customer Satisfaction Surveys

As businesses grow and their customer base increases, customer satisfaction becomes more important.

Business Strategy

Customer Loyalty

Customer Satisfaction

Market Research

B2B Marketing Essentials: What Every Marketer Needs to Know

Marketing is an essential part of any B2B business. It involves understanding customer needs and delivering them to meet their expectations.

B2B Marketing

Business Strategy

Market Research

Strategic Planning

Critical Elements of Commercial Due Diligence

Commercial Due Diligence is essential for businesses looking to make acquisitions.

Business Growth

Competitive Analysis

Industry Analysis

Market Research

Strategic Planning

B2B Acquisition Target Markets: Narrowing the Field

When looking for potential B2B acquisition target markets, it can be challenging to know where to start.

Acquisition Growth

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Market Research

Defining and Calculating TAM, SAM, and SOM

When it comes to market assessment and sizing, it's important to understand the concept of TAM, SAM, and SOM.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Market Research

Market Segmentation

How to Calculate Market Size

In calculating market size, one must realize three important facts to avoid an often frustrating experience.

Business Strategy

Market Research

Market Segmentation

Building B2B Brand by Improving the Customer Experience

Recent research into the current focus of B2B marketers has pointed to two exciting trends guiding much of their activity around building their B2B brands

B2B Marketing

Brand Building

Customer Satisfaction

Benefits of Using an Online B2B Panel for Surveys

Driven by a dramatic increase in global internet penetration, online panel surveys are becoming popular for collecting primary research.

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Market Research

Strategic Planning

Strategies for Surviving a Recession

Based on today's economic environment, I felt it a great time to review some ways companies can weather the effects of a recession.

Business Growth

Innovation Strategy

Market Research

Strategic Planning

Post-acquisition Growth Assessment – Identifying Adjacent Growth Opportunities

As discussed in my previous blog, it has become increasingly important for buyout firms to actually add value to portfolio companies and significantly improve their revenue growth.

Business Growth

Market Research

Strategic Planning

Commercial Due Diligence - Assessing the Growth Potential with Current Customers

In recent years, as acquisition multiples have increased, it is simply not enough for private equity.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Market Research

Creating and Executing a Competitive Positioning Strategy (Part 1)

In B2B markets there are typically three ways to compete: quality of products and services, price, and breadth of offering

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Innovation Strategy

Strategic Planning

Winning Differentiation Strategies

In a previous blog, we introduced 6 ways to differentiate in B2B markets. 

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Strategic Planning

Making Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) an Actionable Metric

While reading a recent article published in MarketingProfs about the importance B2B marketing

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Strategic Planning

The Acceptance of Crypto Currency for B2B Transactions

To date, the vast majority of B2B companies have resisted the use of crypto currency as a form of payment for their products or services.

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Strategic Planning

Using B2B Market Research to Develop a Solid Pricing Strategy

Market and competitive pricing in the B2B sector is often a difficult area for many market researchers to tackle.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Product Development

Strategic Planning

Why Competitive Intelligence Matters

Most customer surveys focus on a company’s overall performance on key product and service attributes associated with defining the overall customer relationship.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Strategic Planning

Structuring Effective Customer Insight Research

Structuring Effective Customer Insight Research

Business Strategy

6 Elements of Strategic Planning that Should Be Supported by Market Research

internal efforts on preparing the 2022 strategic plan. This “all hands on deck” annual exercise typically requires significant time and effort from every functional area of the business.

Business Growth

Competitive Analysis

Innovation Strategy

Strategic Planning

6 Ways to Differentiate in B2B Markets

Our research indicates there are six primary ways to effectively differentiate, including product, service, channels of distribution, relation

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Product Development

Strategic Planning

How B2B Customers Derive Value

In this complex setting, let’s look at how customers understand and derive value. First, value is conveyed and derived through cost. 

Competitive Analysis

Product Development

Strategic Planning

Defining Value in B2B Markets

In the context of B2B, value may be defined as the total benefit of product and associated service translated into economic worth.

Competitive Analysis

Product Development

Value Proposition

Syndicated B2B Market Research Versus Custom Research

Syndicated research, conducted and published independently by a research firm or individual, is commonly sold through the research firm or a research aggregator.

Competitive Analysis

Market Research

Offering Incentives in B2B Research

The key to any successful project is selecting the right people to participate, convincing them to participate, and asking them the right questions.

B2B Marketing

Business Strategy

Customer Loyalty

Survey Methodology

Big Data Should Never be a Replacement for Listening to Customers

Enabled by the internet, mobile devices, and powerful company Enterprise Resource Management Systems (ERP)

B2B Marketing

Business Strategy

Customer Satisfaction

The 8 Criteria that Distinguish B2B Markets from B2C Markets

The Business-to-Business (B2B) is different in fundamental ways from the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) sector

B2B Marketing

Competitive Analysis

Market Research

Successful Innovations Need Supporting Market Research

In most of our research, we encounter four unique categories of drivers, leading to the development of innovative new products and services.

Innovation Strategy

Market Research

Market Segmentation

Product Development

The Single Most Impactful B2B Market Research Project Every Company Should Do

Customer Insight® research delivers a broad range of insights that are valuable in supporting several critical sales and marketing efforts,

B2B Marketing

Competitive Analysis

Customer Loyalty

Geographic Expansion Market Research – Look Before You Leap

Business growth can be accomplished in many ways - share gain, adjacent market entry, new product innovation, M&A, and geographic expansion.

Business Growth

Industry Analysis

Market Research

Market Segmentation

Post Pandemic Growth: Reassessing Customer Needs

The Coronavirus pandemic will have a long term effect on global business operations, changing the way many companies conduct business

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Post-Pandemic Growth: Competitive Intelligence

Along with the severe health and humanitarian crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, executives around the world face enormous business

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Industry Analysis

Operational Efficiency

Post–Pandemic Growth: Get Ahead of the Growth Curve

It is not a matter of if the US economy will rebound from the COVID -19 pandemic, but when and how rapidly the recovery will occur.

Business Growth

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Commercial Due Diligence – Gaining Clarity

Commercial due diligence is an objective look at the strength of a target company’s customer base.

Acquisition Growth

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Loyalty

Commercial Due Diligence – Hitting the Target

When conducting a commercial due diligence project, accuracy is absolutely critical as potentially

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Operational Efficiency

Strategic Planning

Commercial Due Diligence – Maximizing ROI

Due diligence is a complicated process often made more difficult by time pressures from investors, sellers and third parties.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Loyalty

Operational Efficiency

7 Elements of a Market Analysis Designed to Drive Business Growth

Having conducted hundreds market analysis projects over the past 25 years, we have developed an solid understanding of what should be included

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Market Segmentation

Market Sizing

Product Development

Elements of a Market Assessment Designed to Focus Business Growth?

As a key component of overall business growth, companies often consider selling their products or services into a new market.

Competitive Analysis

Market Sizing

Operational Efficiency

Strategic Planning

Robotics: A Potential Savior to Many Industries

While attending PACK EXPO, I couldn’t help but notice the increased emphasis on robotics.

Business Growth

Innovation Strategy

Market Trends

The Birthplace of Private Equity Sold to Investor

I recently saw this article in BIZNOW, a London based newsletter, and found it quite interesting.

Business Strategy

Market Trends

How to Use B2B Research in Developing a Value-Based Pricing Strategy

A critical decision for any business developing new and differentiated products is determining the proper price point.

Business Strategy

Product Development

Value Proposition

The Value of Custom B2B Market Research

The vast majority of companies competing in today’s global economy conduct some form of market research in the markets in which

Business Strategy

Market Segmentation

Strategic Planning

Challenges of Measuring B2B Customer Satisfaction: Choosing the Right Question

Choosing the correct question to answer is critical to accurately measuring customer satisfaction.

Business Strategy

Customer Satisfaction

Survey Methodology

Business Growth Strategy: Make it a Living Document

All companies should have a growth strategy, and most do.  However, based on my experience, most strategic growth plans are treated

Business Growth

Business Strategy

Strategic Planning

A Quick Guide to Determining B2B Sample Size: Don’t Get Confused by B2C

One of the most common questions asked by clients when designing a B2B research project is “What is the sample size I need to ensure the data

Business Strategy

Strategic Planning

Survey Methodology

The Benefits of Conducting Market Research

Market research is not cheap. A typical study can cost from $10,000 to $50,000, or more.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Strategic Planning

How to Improve Response Rates in B2B Surveys

What is a typical survey response rate?

Market Research

Operational Efficiency

Strategic Planning

Survey Methodology

Misreading Attribute Importance: A Common and Often Costly Mistake

Market research is routinely utilized to identify attributes that are important to the customer

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Making Competitive Intelligence Actionable

Competitive intelligence (CI) is a very large umbrella that covers many types of analysis techniques.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Strategic Planning

Value Proposition

The Process of B2B Market Segmentation

The cornerstone of any marketing strategy is a solid understanding of what customers truly value and need.

Business Strategy

Market Segmentation

Strategic Planning

Achieving Organic Business Growth

Achieving Organic Business Growth

Business Growth

Product Development

Strategic Planning

Uncovering Synergies and Opportunities with Commercial Due Diligence

Bolt-on acquisitions provide an acquiring company and private equity with substantial resources at a lower cost than buildin

Acquisition Growth

Competitive Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Strategic Planning

Misreading Attribute Importance: A Common and Often Costly Mistake

Improving performance - particularly in those areas that are important to customers - has been a staple of continuous improvement programs. 

Competitive Analysis

Customer Satisfaction

Operational Efficiency

Strategic Planning

Winning in Today’s Challenging B2B Purchasing Process

One of the most intriguing areas of insight uncovered by the survey was the identification of 6 areas.

B2B Marketing

Product Development

Strategic Planning

Tips on When to Use Quantitative versus Qualitative Market Research

Qualitative research generates textual data (e.g. comments) while quantitative research provides numerical data (e.g. scores or ratings).

Innovation Strategy

Product Development

Survey Methodology

5 Key Metrics to Consider When Assessing B2B Brand Equity

B2B brand studies typically executed through surveys, allow companies to benchmark their brands against competitors, through assessing awareness, value, and loyalty along the value chain.

Brand Building

Competitive Analysis

Customer Loyalty

If Customer Satisfaction is the Goal, You are Already Losing the Race

In today’s competitive environment, B2B customer satisfaction is a fairly common measure for almost all companies.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Customer Loyalty

Customer Satisfaction

Building Brand Through B2B Market Research

Recent research into the current focus of B2B marketers has pointed to two interesting trends guiding much of their activity around

Brand Building

Market Research

Strategic Planning

Value Proposition

The Difference Between B2C and B2B Market Research. What Every Marketer Should Know.

Because of the dramatic differences between B2C and B2B markets, research in these environments must recognize and accommodate

B2B Marketing

Strategic Planning

Survey Methodology

Telephone Interviews – Advantages and Disadvantages

Custom research typically employs extensive or targeted primary research to go beyond what can be uncovered through secondary research.

Strategic Planning

Survey Methodology

The Differences Between B2C and B2B Markets. What Every Marketer Should Know.

Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets differ in fundamental ways.

B2B Marketing

Product Development

Strategic Planning

Rapid Innovation – A Guide to Innovation Success

Rapid Innovation can deliver 2 -3  new product/service opportunities every 16 weeks in new and/or adjacent markets

Business Growth

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Product Development


The lighting industry has evolved beyond just selling light bulbs. 

Industry Analysis

Innovation Strategy

Product Development

Publishing (Content Aggregation)

Content aggregation and publishing is a service where content is licensed, and royalties paid to publishers.

Brand Building

Business Growth

Innovation Strategy

Strategic Planning

How do I estimate a market size?

Before one can estimate a market size, one must first understand what the definition of the market is.

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

Innovation Strategy

Strategic Planning

What is an IDI (in-depth interview)?

An in-depth interview (frequently abbreviated as IDI’s) is a form of qualitative research; a somewhat intensive individual conversation

Innovation Strategy

Strategic Planning

Survey Methodology

What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative research?

Qualitative research generates textual data (e.g. comments) while quantitative research provides numerical data (e.g. scores or ratings).

Market Research

Survey Methodology

Uncovering Untapped Opportunities: The Importance of B2B Market Research

In today's competitive business landscape, B2B companies are constantly on the lookout for new growth opportunities.

Business Growth

Competitive Analysis

Strategic Planning

How to Use B2B Market Research in Developing a Value-Based Pricing Strategy

Price directly impacts the perceived value and quality of your product, is a crucial component of brand perception, and drives product profitability.

Competitive Analysis

Product Development

Strategic Planning

Strategic Acquisition Support

One of the challenges in acquiring a bolt-on business is accurately identifying the potential synergies and opportunities for improvement.

Acquisition Growth

Competitive Analysis

Operational Efficiency

3 Key Metrics to Consider When Assessing Your Brand

Unlike most B2C marketers, many B2B companies invest little or no resources (both time and money) in understanding brand.

Brand Building

Competitive Analysis

Strategic Planning

Verifying a Value Proposition

Innovation is often driven by many factors, we encounter four unique drivers that create direction leading to the development of innovative services.

Innovation Strategy

Product Development

Value Proposition

Advantages of Applying Competitive Intelligence in Your B2B Strategy

As a business, you’re constantly looking for ways to gain an edge over competitors. That’s where competitive intelligence comes into play.

B2B Marketing

Business Strategy

Competitive Analysis

The Importance of Business Growth

That heading title seems self-evident, right? 

Business Growth

Market Trends

Product Development

Strategic Planning

Winning B2B Competitive Differentiation Strategies

Over the years, we have compiled a database of survey results with data from hundreds of these studies, all using a 7-point scale so we can aggregate and compare results.

B2B Marketing

Customer Satisfaction

Value Proposition

Improved B2B Customer Experience Drives Increased Revenue

A recent Gallup study reports that on average only 29% of your B2B customers are engaged with their suppliers.

Business Growth

Strategic Planning

Customer Digital Engagement

PMG recently worked with a client supporting their move to a more digitally engaged position with their customers.

Customer Satisfaction

Innovation Strategy

Value Proposition

Crypto Outline

As of late 2021, B2B companies are resistant to accepting cryptocurrency as a form of payment on the majority.

B2B Marketing

Business Strategy

Market Research

What is a typical survey response rate?

From a statistical standpoint, the response rate is critical, but perhaps of more importance is the potential for non-response bias.

Business Strategy

Customer Satisfaction

Operational Efficiency

Survey Methodology

What Defines a Good Market Analysis to Focus Business Growth?

As a key component of overall business growth, companies often consider selling their products or services into a new market.

Business Growth

Industry Analysis

Market Segmentation

Strategic Planning

“Marketing in the Boardroom – Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Board”

It’s tougher than ever before for companies to grow and survive. The lower barriers to entry have made it easier for new competitors to launch innovative products and services.

Brand Building

Business Growth

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

How customers derive value from a product

In this complex setting, let’s look at how customers understand and derive value. First, value is conveyed and derived through cost.

Customer Satisfaction

Market Segmentation

Product Development

Value Proposition

Business Growth Strategy: An Ongoing Process

For many companies, business growth is often driven by unforeseen or unique market events that drive demand.

Business Growth

Business Strategy

Innovation Strategy

Operational Efficiency
